So what does architecture look like in the realm of steampunk? Well, obviously, there’s a big ol’ dash of Victorian. When I think of Victorian architecture, I think of excessive ornamentation. There are two examples of Victorian architecture below. The first is a home, probably typical of what people envision as being Victorian – lots of roof lines, colorful, and all that gingerbread! The second photo is the Bell Edison building – a beautiful example of High Victorian completed in brick.

Then, some people might see a bit of the Arts and Crafts Movement. This form of architecture may seem like an odd addition since this movement was actually a rejection of machines and industrial production. However, it did pride itself on craftsmanship which comes through in the beautiful intricacies of steampunk instruments.

If you smoosh those two styles together with perhaps some Art Nouveau, plus some other quirky things, you get steampunk.

One of the best examples of steampunk architecture is below – Albert Robida’s ink drawing, “Maison tournante aerienne”, is an elevated structure which would revolve.

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